Care & Safety
Remember when packing, the following things are not allowed:
- Glass
- Candles
- Gas canisters larger than 300g
- Smoke canisters
- Knives
- Illegal substances
- Legal Highs
- Nitrous Oxide
- Laser pens
- Megaphones
- Fireworks
- Flares
- Poles, banners and flags
- Animals (other than registered guide or hearing dogs)
- Any items which may be used as a weapon
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless, highly poisonous gas that can kill in minutes. Never take a portable barbecue – or lit charcoal – into an enclosed space like a tent or caravan. Make sure exhaust fumes from generators are properly vented away from occupied areas.
If you think you have potentially be exposed to carbon monoxide gas from a BBQ or gas powered heater whilst at the festival, please contact a steward immediately.
Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include:
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Tiredness and confusion
- Stomach pain
- Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing
The Festival and the Hampshire Constabulary are working together to keep crime levels down on the site during the weekend. A small minority of people attending the Festival see it as an opportunity to commit crime, mainly stealing from tents. You can help yourselves by following the below advice:
Remember, there's no way you can make a tent 100% secure so only bring what you absolutely need. Don't be tempted to leave valuables in your vehicle either. Don't challenge people looking through tents - report them to Festival staff or the Police immediately.
There's safety in numbers. Say "hello" to your neighbours to build a community feeling and provide greater security around your tent.
Label your belongings, including your tent, with your postcode. Thieves are after unidentifiable property, so make sure the markings are obvious and indelible. Before you come to the Festival register your property such as mobile phones and cameras for free at and help the Police to return stolen items to their rightful owner.
Do this now: on your mobile phone key in *#06# and your unique International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number will be displayed. Make a note of this number so that if you lose your phone or if it is stolen you can contact your service provider to have the phone immobilised. Whilst on site keep it in a buttoned/zipped pocket, secure bag or use a lanyard to keep it secured to your clothing.
But don't keep all your money, bank cards and valuables together - spread them around in different pockets. Before going to sleep, place them in a plastic bag and hide it in your sleeping bag with you. There will be lockers available on site for rental - please use them!
Searches will be carried out. If you take prescribed medication keep it with you at all times. These types of drugs are often sought by thieves. A drug disruption plan will be in operation again at this year's event. Passive drugs detection dogs will be working during the course of the weekend covering points of entry to the site. Amnesty bins will be provided in advance of these check points to give people the opportunity to surrender illegal substances.
Please, if you are a victim of crime or see something you need to report, don't hesitate to go to the Welfare Tents who are trained to take these reports and will file them directly with the Police.
The Welfare Tents are located in Electric Ladyland next to First Aid or in the Main Arena near the Platform One Stage.
Alternatively, call the Hampshire Constabulary on: 101 or 999 in an emergency.
The Welfare Facilities will be open throughout the event and are staffed by experienced and supportive people who understand festivals. They can give confidential advice about drugs, alcohol, mental health and offer support if you need someone to talk to for any reason. They offer a monitored rest & recovery area if you need some space, and they also care for lost children and vulnerable people. You will find the Welfare team in the Arena and Electric Ladyland, where they also run the Lost Property service.
Lost children or people will be taken to the Welfare tent.
If you lose something at the Festival, please visit the Welfare Tent in Electric Ladyland to see if it's been handed in.
After the Festival please visit the website below. Items will be held for one month post event, any items left after that point will, if suitable, be given to charity.
Festimed are the Medical Team for the Festival. They employ a wide range of health professionals, including doctors, nurses, paramedics and emergency care practitioners.
There are medical facilities all around the site, these include a Hospital, a Walk-In Medical Tent and pharmacies.
If you have special medical needs (e.g. if you are diabetic or coeliac) and need to bring in prohibited items to the Festival, we can provide you with a letter of authority. Please email us on [email protected].